Welcome to Daytona Beach I.D.M.R
We here, at Daytona Beach I.D.M.R are very happy and inspired to introduce you to our website. Here questions can be asked and answered in a way that truly satisfies "YOUR" inner man, or more accurately stated, Yahweh Elohim, which is the Holy Spirit, that dwells in you. The school's first aim is "To help you find and know YAHWEH, our Elohim, as he really is and actually exists." Our fervent desire is that the Understanding "YOU" seek, which is common and imbued in all men, be revealed, and cause you to experience righteousness, peace, and delight in the Holy Spirit.

Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof? Rev. 5:2
All of us at one time or another have experienced situations where we've simply lacked Knowledge. We've been confused, doubted, experienced grief and sadness, and at times, even anger. However, the founder of the Institute, Dr. Henry C. Kinley along with his son Dr. Glenn W. Kinley, both taught, that a true Understanding of this Great Gospel will cause Peace to reign within men. Those men who are willing to hear Yahweh's words with an open heart, along with a true willingness to want to know the truth.
We encourage you all to explore our site. Please take the time to examine the Knowledge and Understanding that is offered. Most importantly, we encourage you to ask questions as you feel the need, and share your thoughts with us as well. There are no "Big I's and Little You's," and it is our true desire that we all grow, as one, in Yahweh.